14' Ferris Wheel (6 baskets)

14' Ferris Wheel (6 baskets)

Prices may vary depending on date of the event, hours of the event, and address of the event. Please call our office to receive an accurate quote for your event.
14' Ferris Wheel (6 baskets)

The Medium Ferris Wheel is a fourteen (14) foot children’s Ferris Wheel with a footprint of (15’x20’) fully setup. The Medium Ferris Wheel is capable of holding around one hundred and seventy-five (180) to two hundred (200) pounds in each of its six fully enclosed baskets. Great for children ranging from two years to middle school, the 14 foot Medium Ferris Wheel can support up to 12 children at a time. When planning for this Ferris Wheel remember that this ride is not able to be moved by hand. This ride can fit comfortably into most driveways, open front yards, along street curbs. Our 14' Kiddy Ferris Wheel Ride will require an isolated 20 amp, 110 outlet within 100' of the ride or to a generator with the same capacity. All mechanical rides come with one or more Carnival Services attendant.



SKU 8930
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